
Your wedding will be one of the most joyful and significant events in your life and we at St Barnabas are here to help you celebrate your special day.  We can help you navigate your way through each stage of the planning and preparation process.

Please contact the Vicar via the office by emailing in order to arrange a meeting and discuss what would be involved.

One thing you will need to consider is your eligibility to marry at St Barnabas.  This sounds complicated but you only need to tell us to which of these statements you can say ‘yes’ to:

  • We live in the parish (check your address at )

  • One of us has lived in the parish for at least six months

  • One of us has connections with the church (Baptism or Confirmation)

  • One of us has regularly attended services at a church in the parish for a period of at least six months

  • One of us will regularly attend services at a church in the parish for a period of at least six months before our wedding day

  • One of our parents or grandparents was married at one of the churches in the parish

  • One of our parents lived in the parish for at least six months after we were born

  • One of our parents regularly attended one of churches in the parish for a period of at least six months

  • We have or will obtain a Special Licence

Full details about Church of England weddings can be found at